Thirty-Year Reunion - Page 2
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The next afternoon was the football game, of course, but in the morning it was necessary for the Grads
to show Lori and Phil around the yard. After a stop at the midstore for geedunk, of course.
If you didn't get a sweatshirt, you weren't there.
After the requisite shopping, Tom, Frank and Gregg led Phil and Lori around the Yard. Circling the back
way, they came across an area familiar to both '76ers. Just up these stairs was where both Tom and Frank
had spent many morning hours, marching off demerits.
Here's Tom at the back entrance of Dahlgren Hall. This tour looks easier than it was. The
Academy wasn't built for electric wheelchairs. No surface is completely level. Remember a hurricane
had just blown by: puddles were everywhere. The only good thing was that traffic was light.
Here's Tom stymied by the stairs inside Dahlgren. There were a few other places he couldn't get to, either,
but overall, it was a pretty good tour of over 2 miles.
In front of Dahlgren, Gregg grabbed the camera for this group photo.
Tom couldn't get all the way into Bancroft Hall but then again, as he said, he'd been in there enough.
Tom showing Lori the Yard.
Tom showing Frank the Yard. Frank said he'd seen it already.
Here's brother Gregg with Tom. Gregg said he'd seen enough of the Yard, too. So they left.
Here are Tom, Phil and Lori in the van on the way to lunch. Tom and Gregg's Aunt Ro lived in the
neighborhood, so arrangements were made to meet her at Mike's
Crabhouse, a classic Maryland fish joint.
Of course the rain began just in time for the transfer from the van to the restaurant.
Here's the gang waiting for Aunt Ro to make it through the storm.
Here she is with Lori and Tom.
Lori is sort of Tom's mom. And Frank's.
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